March 11 – 18, 2023 La MANO of HOPE is so happy to be returning to South Quito in 2023 with two separate teams. The first team is a group of high school seniors from Grace Academy, Hagerstown, MD who will be spending their Spring Break serving in the community of El Ejercito with Pastors Erik and Pauly Pinto. This will be a combined Sports Camp and Social Compassion outreach. This outreach is closed for travel to students from the school only. EVERYONE is invited to join us and participate through contributions of resources and supplies.
Visit the wishlist at here.
July 15 – 22, 2023
La MANO of HOPE is excited that a second team in 2023 with teams members from several states joining together to travel during the summer to serve again in the community of El Ejercito with Pastors Erik and Pauly Pinto. This will be a combined Sports Camp, Vacation Bible School and Social Compassion outreach. To complete an application click here.
The cost of this outreach is $1,700.00. This includes airfare, travel insurance, lodging, food and all in country expenses. A current tetanus shot is required. There are no other immunization requirements. All COVID-19 protocols will be followed in accordance with guidelines from CDC and host country requirements.
Application deadline for this outreach is March 31, 2023.
EVERYONE is invited to join us and participate through contributions of resources and supplies.
Visit the wishlist here.
Are you Interested?
If you are interested in participating on any level or for more information, please contact admin@manohope.org or call 301-787-6809.